Robert McGowen won first
prize in the Ingenious Chicken Waterer category of our photo
contest for his no-perch
chicken waterer.
Second place went to Renee Corrigan for her modification of our pre-made
chicken waterer,
which I’ll let her describe in her own words:
“I did not want to go in the coop all the
time to add water so I came up with this idea . It is very simple but
very useful. I bought some lengths of clear tubing to fit in the
pitcher lid. It goes from the top of the lid out the side of the
cage wire into the bottom of a funnel.
“At first, that was the design
but they immediately started getting debris in the pitchers so we added
a small piece of screen. It fits into the tubing and the funnel
holds it in place. The funnel is attached to the cage wire with a
small S hook. All supplies are readily available at a home improvement store for a few
“Hope you like my idea! We love
your waterers!”
time to add water so I came up with this idea . It is very simple but
very useful. I bought some lengths of clear tubing to fit in the
pitcher lid. It goes from the top of the lid out the side of the
cage wire into the bottom of a funnel.
but they immediately started getting debris in the pitchers so we added
a small piece of screen. It fits into the tubing and the funnel
holds it in place. The funnel is attached to the cage wire with a
small S hook. All supplies are readily available at a home improvement store for a few
“Hope you like my idea! We love
your waterers!”
The runners-up in this
category need a bit more space, so they’ll get posts of their own next
week. So keep reading…and don’t forget to keep your camera
handy in preparation for next year’s contest!
Love that easy fill waterer! I have been considering something similar for my buckets.
Heath — I’d love to see photos if you put it into action.