Category: Chicken books

Raise your hatch rates!

Are you thinking of leveling up this year, hatching your own eggs into a replacement flock? Then you’re in luck because my beloved incubation handbook is available in print for the very first time!

This is the same information that had previous readers glowing:

“I have had problems with incubating chicks, getting low to no hatch, and high hatch mortality. All of the info in this book makes great sense! This helped me a lot to fix ALL of my hatch problems.” — sunnyweller

“I especially found the “helping chicks hatch” section very helpful. Followed the instructions and saved two chicks!” — Keaokun

“My first attempt at incubating was a dismal failure. I only hatched 6 of 19 eggs. Two of those had facial and beak deformities. This little ebook was so helpful and I was able to pinpoint – many – things I had done wrong.” — V. Schafer

“Awesome book, well written. Not too basic nor too much extraneous detail.” — chem girl

Learn from my mistakes so you don’t have to repeat them. Grab your copy of Incubating and Hatching Homegrown Chicks today!

Managing spring grass

First green grass

Before livestock entered my life, I never paid attention to the first green grass. But now, even when we don’t have our own chickens or goats, those tender sprouts in late February make me smile. Sure enough, a visit to our neighbor’s house revealed her flock hungrily pecking up not just worms but also every bit of greenery they could get their beaks on.

Eggs for sale

Luckily for all of us, chickens aren’t like ruminants — they won’t eat so much spring grass that they make themselves sick. But they can easily overgraze the first flush so much that their pasture becomes spotty and rank for the rest of the year.

In a free-range setting like this one, there’s not much you can do to prevent overgrazing. And our neighbor doesn’t really need to — after all, her chickens are able to roam across several acres, so once one area runs out they’ll move on to another. But if you’ve got your flock more constrained in either tractors or a pasture, spring is the time to be plotting out your entire year’s rotation schedule so you still have green grass for the birds to enjoy in July and August.

Pasture Basics

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(epub file sideloaded through Bookfunnel)

I’ve plotted out years’ worth of pasturing wisdom in my ebook Pasture Basics, currently on sale for 25% off if you buy direct. Hopefully my tips will let your flock enjoy the spring flush…and the summer lull as well. Happy grazing!

Chicken ebooks now available!

Chicken ebooksAre you ready to add chickens to your backyard this spring? Or maybe you already have a flock and want to up your chickenkeeping game? If so, you’re in luck — my complete line of permaculture chicken ebooks is now available right here at a reduced price!

Be sure to start with your free copy of The Working Chicken. Then you might want to check out my paid ebooks, which are 17% to 25% off their price on online retailers if you buy direct right here. Enjoy!