Jon Miller sent me
photos a few months ago of his homemade
chicken waterer that uses a toilet float to stay full, and then followup photos of
the homemade
chicken waterer in action. He decided to hatch
some chicks this spring, and sent me an email with photos of his chick
Anna, Just wanted to drop you a line and say that the waterers
work great for little peeps. They took to them the very first
Just had to put their beak on it to show them where it was and they
just love them.
Anna, Just wanted to drop you a line and say that the waterers
work great for little peeps. They took to them the very first
Just had to put their beak on it to show them where it was and they
just love them.
our first batch of 11 chicks last saturday. 4 of the chicks
are a cross of easter egger hens and a buff orpington rooster.
others are buff orpingtons.
our first batch of 11 chicks last saturday. 4 of the chicks
are a cross of easter egger hens and a buff orpington rooster.
others are buff orpingtons.
Set up the same water I have out in the
coop. Took some pictures today, they are 5 days old. Hope
you enjoy.
coop. Took some pictures today, they are 5 days old. Hope
you enjoy.
Thanks for sharing,
Jon! I love seeing our homemade chicken
waterer making your
poultry-keeping easier and cleaner.
Hi, i was wondering if you could as jon what clips he used to hold up the pvc? Also, are they able to be adjusted up and down so the waterer can grow as the chicks grow? Thanks!
Bill — I’m not sure if Jon will check back and get your question, and unfortunately I don’t know the specifics for this waterer. However, I’ve always liked this PVC chick waterer, which uses a pegboard to make it simple to raise and lower the nipples as you go through various batches of chicks.