Scott didn’t choose her chickens in the usual manner. Instead,
she emailed me to say, “We thought it would be fun to have breeds from
around the world this year and then name them according to their
cultures.” Here’s her round-the-world bird list for those who
might like to follow along at home (along with photos of her 18 month
old son feeding the flock.)
Indian Red
Jungle Fowl — “They are the beautiful small ones and the most
mischievious,” Robbin wrote, to which I would add that the Red
Jungle Fowl is the ancestor of the modern chicken. Robbin
mentioned that they are also green/blue egg layers and are the hardiest
of her chickens.- Chilian Americaunas —
Many of you are probably familiar with this breed since they lay green
and blue eggs (“the Easter egg chicken.”) - English Buff Orpingtons
— Robbin notes that these are good egg layers but do go broody (a
plus or minus, depending on your point of view.) American Rhode Island Reds
- Chinese Cochins —
Robbin mentioned that this variety is the only one not reputed to be
good to excellent egg layers, but that they are great brooders.
We’ve had a similar experience with our White Cochin. - Spangled Russian Orloffs
“I have 35 chickens in
all and they go through a 5 gallon bucket
with your water heads nearly every day!” Robbin concluded.
Check out our homemade chicken
waterer kits to make
your own chicken waterer.