Chicken play date

cat playing with chicken

Can cats and chickens get
along enough to play together?

I’m sure if you asked the cat
he would say “chickens are fun!”, but the story a chicken might tell
would be more like “who the heck is this furry monster?”.

Image credit goes to Dash and

Survivor chickens

Survivor chickens

Mark and I enjoyed a tour of the diverse Laughing Water Farm
recently, and of course I was intrigued by the free-range chickens
wandering here, there, and everywhere.  We didn’t get a chance to
see the
Salatin-style egg-mobile,
which had been dragged to a far pasture just the week before we came to
visit, but there were still chickens wandering around the barns and
outbuildings (along with a few eye-catching turkeys).

Pig barnI’m always on the lookout for which chicken breeds pull their weight under farm conditions, so I made a mental note that Australorps
were winners there just like they are on our homestead.  However, I
couldn’t quite guess the breed of the small, cream-colored hen pictured
above.  When asked, Antoinette replied, “Oh, she’s a
survivor.”  Yep, that’s probably the true homestead hen — a mutt
who manages to rustle up her own grub, raise some kids, and keep happily
scratching through the deep bedding in the pig barn.