Forest pasture and flock progress

Black australorp chickOur chicken
pasture rotation experiment
hit a snag in early May for
reasons.  First, when I
our two and a half week old chicks out on pasture
, they took to it
like ducks to water.  The trouble is that the chicks were too
small to contain, so they were able to go into whichever pasture they
pleased, slipping through holes in the chicken wire and coop
walls.  The flock never strayed too far from home, so they didn’t
get into trouble, but they
graze all of the best spots in all of the pastures, nixing any rotation
data for this month.  It’s hard to complain, though, when their
storebought food consumption plummeted to half of its previous levels,
despite the chicks being considerably larger than they were a week
before.  (Look at the size of this chick’s crop after being
outside all day!)

Mean roosterMeanwhile, and less
pleasantly, our
turned one year old and decided to reinvent himself. 
No longer mild, he took to rushing me every time I entered the pasture,
flogging my leg with his wings.  For the short term, I moved the
adult flock back into the far pasture they had just left (the true
forest pasture
) so
that I didn’t have to walk in his personal
space, and once we no longer need his sperm, the rooster will be
heading for the chopping block.  I’ve read that it’s possible to
work with your rooster to make him less aggressive, but the truth is
that his genetics aren’t worth the trouble when we’ve got plenty of
amazing foragers growing up to take his place.

Our five gallon chicken waterer means I won’t have to go
into the mean rooster’s pasture for a month.

Latest Comments

  1. Amy May 20, 2011
  2. anna May 21, 2011
  3. Phil May 21, 2011
  4. anna May 21, 2011
  5. Lisa May 25, 2011
  6. anna May 27, 2011
  7. Maureen Peterson December 13, 2015
  8. anna December 14, 2015

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