What a nice surprise —
Bocking 4 comfrey has beautiful purple flowers! Now I’m wondering
if my unnamed
(family hand-me-down) comfrey with whitish flowers is
actually Russian
comfrey after all,
or if it might be Common comfrey. It will be interesting to compare and contrast the
two species, both in the garden and in our chickens’ bellies.
No news on the edibility
front yet, though, since this comfrey is planted
on the non-chicken side of one of the pasture fences. This spring, I also
added a red currant to that mulched strip, which will arch into the
pasture once it’s big enough, just like the comfrey will.
I really like this planting alternative better than the other option
(protecting perennials inside the pasture from chicken damage for the
first year or two so they can get established).
The chickens tell me
they’re waiting with baited breath for the additions to their diet.
pasture helps spread out our flocks’ grazing over the entire area.