EZ Miser photo contest

EZ Miser waterer in chicken pasture

Our EZ Miser is a bit
over a year old — time for a contest showing Mark’s newest invention
in action!  If you’ve bought either our
EZ Miser kit or our premade EZ Miser,
we want to see how your chickens have taken to their waterer. 
Have you plugged our EZ Miser spouts into the side of a rain barrel or
taught your show birds to drink?  Perhaps you’ve come up with a
unique mounting method like the Christmas tree stand above?  As
usual, we’ll judge based on both beauty and ingenuity, so whip out those
cameras and get your entries in ASAP!

The prizes: One first-place winner will receive our chick bundle
— two premade chicken waterers perfect for getting chicks off to a
good start, or for keeping your adult flock hydrated, a $90 value. 
The second-place
winner will choose between a 2 pack EZ Miser kit or a 5 pack Avian Aqua Miser original kit with drill bit.

The fine print: All entries
must reach my inbox (info@avianaquamiser.com) by Sunday (August 10) at midnight.  Be
sure to send photos one at a time if they’re larger than 2 MB apiece. 
You can enter as many pictures as you want, but all of your photos will
be merged into one entry.  All photos and text will
become the property of Anna Hess, which means I might share them
with readers via our blogs or books.  Thanks in advance for sharing your shots!

photo contest expansion

Guarding rooster

I haven’t had many
entries in our EZ Miser photo contest, so I’m going to extend the
deadline and give those of you who don’t have EZ Misers a way to
enter.  Be sure to
go read the original post to learn about the rules and prizes, but here are some extra rules to give the rest of you a chance to win.

New deadline: August 17 at midnight

New photo subject:
In addition to sending me shots of your EZ Miser in action, entries can
include photos (and explanations) of non-store-bought feeds your
chickens enjoy
of your tried-and-true recipes for cooking up old chickens.  These
two topics are related to ebooks I have in the works, so your photos
and explanations might be used in the finished product — be sure to
let me know if you’d prefer to remain anonymous!

I hope the extra week and
the expanded subject matter will give more of you an opportunity to
enter the contest.  Now’s your chance to win $90 worth of chicken