Homemade EZ Misers

Chicken bucket waterer

Homemade EZ MiserI’ve been enjoying seeing the entries to our photo contest coming in, especially the ones that showcase homemade EZ Misers.  The cinderblock-top mounting method that we use in our own coop and pastures does
seem to be everyone’s favorite way of getting the chicken nipples up to
bird eye level.  The two photos shown here are courtesy of Mindy
(top photo) and Jamie (and her Orpingtons).

For everyone who hasn’t entered yet — there’s still time!  And, don’t forget, you don’t need to own an EZ Miser to enter.  I’m looking forward to seeing your happy, hydrated birds!

Feeding herbs to chickens

feeding herbs to chickens?

The first chicken contest
I’ve registered for in years is going on right now!

I encourage you to check out
Chicken Podcast
Tina Hickman is interviewed about her Luv Nest herb blends she sells.

The winner gets their choice
of two Luv Nest herb blends. Something I’d like to try if we get lucky
enough to win. Don’t wait too long. The contest will end in two weeks.