A solution to dirty duck eggs

keeping eggs clean with a roll out nest box

What’s the best way to keep duck
eggs clean

Fix the nest box so they
gently roll into a hardware wire cage.

Secure some fake
to the floor at an angle to make rolling slow and smooth. We
have not tried this method yet, still in the research stage, but it
seems like the best low budget way of making sure your eggs stay clean.

Using a rooster to protect ducks

rooster taking care of ducks?

Will a rooster protect ducks
that are part of his flock?

I think it would depend on
the rooster.

Our rooster seems somewhat
indifferent to ducks. I’ve observed him leaving the ducks by themselves
to tend to one of his ladies. He might attack a predator that is
threatening his flock and the ducks, but I doubt if he would intervene
if a hawk was trying to eat one of our ducks.