Buying fertilized eggs

incubation eggs

A good way to experiment with
new chicken breeds is to
your own eggs

Fertilized eggs can cost
anywhere from a dollar and beyond, but it’s usually cheaper than
ordering live chicks in the mail due to the minimum amount being either
50 or 100.

We had good luck ordering
fertilized eggs
on E-bay
a few years ago. Your chicks won’t have that “traveling in a box”
stress to shake off, and you’ll feel more self sufficient knowing you
can expand your flock without any commercial help.

Chicken tractor Winter preparation

chicken tractor waterer modification

Winter is setting in, and we
like to switch from a
2 gallon bucket waterer down to a half gallon Avian Aqua
Miser original
for our
girls in a tractor.

It makes it easier to switch
out when you forget to take in the water at night and it freezes solid.
We usually bring the frozen one in to thaw for tomorrow and swap it out
with a fresh one.

The 2
gallon bucket holder
be built with a gap just big enough for the Avian Aqua Miser original
to fit into.