Our chicken waterer kits are no longer available. But I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy some of the chickenkeeping information we have to share throughout this site!
Our chicken waterer kits are no longer available. But I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy some of the chickenkeeping information we have to share throughout this site!
I dont remember how I stumbled across your web site but I have lots of friends that have all kinds of birds,from chickens to quail. I cant wait to tell them about your invention. Now if you would just make one for feed….
Actually, Mark’s working on a feed invention right now. There are lots of automatic feeders out there, but we like to keep our chickens occupied, and his new feeder (once he works the kinks out!) should do just that.Stay tuned! (And thanks for spreading the word!)
How long will the nipple last?
Our nipples are very sturdy stainless steel in a hard plastic casing. We’ve had the same ones in operation on our farm for going on three years now, with no signs of problems (despite me not taking very good care of them and letting them freeze dozens of times.) Chances are your nipple will last years longer than any plastic container you put them into, so you can just unscrew them carefully and use our DIY instructions to assemble another waterer — as good as new!
So, I can’t answer your exact question because we haven’t had one fail yet. I can just say there’s no planned obsolescence here!
I am getting 6 baby chicks
When will they learn to drink from this bottle?
lWill one be enough for 6 chickens?
Yes, we’ve had chicks drink from our waterers from day 1. In fact, they seem to learn even easier than adults — easier to teach a young dog new tricks. 🙂
If you turn it into a bucket waterer, one nipple will be enough. You might start out with the nipple as part of a smaller waterer, then upgrade when your chicks are a little bigger. It’s simple to unscrew the nipple from one waterer and put it in a larger one.
Not ready built yet for my chickens… but very interested in your waterer. If you do ship… what are post costs on DIY 10 pack…. and is there a difference on DIY 20 pack? Thanks! Hope you do.
We haven’t tried to ship to South Africa before, but are willing to give it a shot as long as you don’t mind being responsible for any customs issues on your end (and letting me know so I can add you to our list of ship-to countries if it works!) It looks like it would cost me an extra $8 to ship to South Africa for the 10 pack or $11 for the 20 pack. If you’re interested, drop me an email at info@avianaquamiser.com and I’ll make you a custom invoice — you won’t be able to get the right shipping rates by ordering over the internet here.
(I’ve been enjoying your blog, by the way! Interesting how your monkey problems are so much like our deer problems…but so much more exotic. 🙂 )
Great! Should be fine. I have bought a number of things from the States already. As soon as I have the finance ready I will send you a note. Thanks. Looks good. Also interested to see what kind of feeder Mark is going to come up with… 🙂
We have antelope here too.. but I think they are a little more shy than your deer from what I have read. The large Eland can completely twist off the branch of a tree when passing through though. The first time I wondered who or what could have done such a thing! I must try get a pic next time. One thing I have read that is good for keeping deer away is to lay the fencing on the ground…. they hate to walk on this and can be kept from fruit trees quite successfully. I haven’t tried it beyond using chicken wire around the base of my Moringa trees to keep the Porcupine from digging up the roots. Maybe lay fencing around some precious vege beds too?
We’ve tried the chicken-wire-on-the-ground technique, and it just doesn’t work here (like most of the other deer deterrents folks tell us about.) I think that most of the home remedies work…as long as you don’t have many deer. The higher your population, the more exact your deterrent has to be to keep them at bay.
So from the picture it looks as though the chickens are drinking from the waterer OVER THEIR HEAD?? They peck the nipple and then water drips out and they ‘suck’ it?? How can this be?
More pictures would be great??
Would these also work on pigeons and how many pigeons per nipple
Maureen — Yes, the chicken pecks at the nipple, which releases a drop of water, and the chicken licks it up. The theory is very similar to how a hamster or guinea pig drinks out of their water bottle. If you visit the homemade chicken waterer portion of our blog, you’ll see lots of customer images showing chickens drinking, if that helps.
Shawn — Several of our customers have used our nipples with pigeons and reported that they work great. I don’t have a definite number of pigeons per nipple, but I’d say perhaps 15, and maybe allow 0.25 cups of water per bird per day.
I would like to adapt these to a brooder waterer. How much water has to be in there for the nipples to work? My brooders are 2′ by 2′ by 4’long. Are these the nipples that work on PVC pipe?
Our CD comes with extensive instructions that should help you make a waterer just like this. For example, check out this adjustable chick waterer and this simple PVC system. You won’t need more than a few cups of water for them to work and our nipples install very well in PVC pipes.
how many waterers per pack, please
Each kit comes with a different number of nipples. For example, the one pack DIY kit comes with one nipple and the 10 pack DIY kit comes with 10 nipples. If you click on the link for the product you’re interested in the table at the top of the page, you’ll see all of the contents of each kit.
The order arrived very quickly! We finally got around to fixing up a 3.5 waterer on Sunday and the (16) chickens took right to it! I am amazed that I didn’t have to fill the jug up again until today! WOW!! We give our girls filtered water so the savings in water will be phenomenal!
I’ll probably purchase another set of nipples so we can make another jug with a heated base for this winter.
Thank you for a wonderful product.
Will chicken nipples work only in gravity-fed waterers, or can they function connected directly to a pressurized water line?
Our nipples are designed to operate only under gravity feed conditions. However, some of our customers have successfully inserted them into pressurized water lines, either by installing a pressure reducer (29 psi or less) or using a toilet float workaround.
All I can say is this is a great product, i am going to order more !
How or what sort of heater would one go about installing in water storage tank to keep water from freezing ??? Would an ordinary, submersable fishtank heater work ? Also what about protecting the PVC pipe inside the coop???
Marti — Thanks for your interest. We have a whole section on heated chicken waterers that should answer all of your questions. If not, just let me know!
Okay, I give up! I’ve tried and tried and tried to find a spot where I can order just the nipples but your website keeps running me in circles back to the kits. I want ONLY the nipples, which you say are available. Where are they?
Chris — I’m sorry you found the website confusing. We only sell our chicken nipples as part of our do it yourself kits.
Thanks to both of you for providing a great product. Price was right, shipping was fast and accurate, and the chickens love it! We bought 26 day-old chicks, and they started drinking right out of the box.
You do not say how meny is in the kit just for so many birds I know the nipples are good ive seen them in a freands coop I want to build one for my 12 RIR so what kit should I buy and how meny nipples will I get
Vincent — The name of each kit tells how many nipples are included, and you can also click on each kit name to see the full contents. For example, the one pack DIY kit contains one nipple and should work for your birds as long as you make a large enough capacity reservoir.
Chicks were about 4 weeks old when the nipples arrived. I installed 6 of them on a PVC header connected to a 5 gallon bucket with a hose between them. I followed the instructions pulling water out the night before installing the watering system. The chickens learned how to use the nipples in less than 30 minutes. I am watering 22 pullets with 6 nipples and only need to fill the bucket every few days. I attached a valve on the bucket so I can disconnect and take it outside to clean without making a mess in the coop. I also attached the header to the wall with straps so I can adjust the height as the chickens grow. These nipples are great and your service with a minor problem was quick and professional.
Thank you.
Robert — Thanks for sharing! I’ve included the image Robert emailed me of his setup below: