Category: Chicken Waterers

Homemade chicken waterer uses toilet float to stay full

Homemade, automatic chicken waterer with reservoir

We’ll return to our regularly scheduled chicken tractor construction info later in the week, but I got
an email from a customer that I wanted to share.  Jon Miller contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if he could put our chicken nipples directly into a water hose and leave it turned on so that he’d never have to refill his chickens’ water.  I told him that our nipples are meant to be used on gravity pressure only, but Jon wasn’t deterred.  He emailed me again last weekend to say:


I’m sending you some pics so maybe it will help someone else.  I wanted a way so I did not have to refill their water.  So I took a five gallon bucket and put a toilet float in it so it would stay full.


Automatic chicken waterer reservoir with toilet float


Then I just ran the water from the bucket to the chicken waterers.  Put water inside the coop and outside.  I know the chickens are really going to like these in the summers here in Arizona.  They will always have fresh clean water.
I loved your idea for the waterer for the chickens.  I have had one for my dogs for years.  They are great.  Thanks again.


Chicken waterer nipples in pvc pipe

Thanks for sharing, Jon!  I love your solution, and I’m sure your chickens do too.